letter e with flowers

Information and Services

to your EHS Learning Commons
Our mission is to serve our school community by facilitating access to information, encouraging critical thinking, and creating lifelong readers and learners.  Your Learning Commons offers 30 networked computers with access to academic databases, printing services, over 10,000 print resources, an diversified fiction collection arranged by genre, and a mobile device charging station in a pleasing environment designed to accommodate all needs.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday
7:00 am - 3:15 pm
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Printing Services
Black and white text 
10¢ per page
Color text/images
50¢ per page
Copies 25¢ per sheet
Coffee, cappuccino, and hot chocolate $1.00
School Store
Various school supplies
are available for
sale during
school hours. 
school ID
Need to request a school ID?
Click HERE to complete the
school ID request form.