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Add/Drop for 2025-26

Students, you have an additional opportunity to request electives for the 25/26 school year between March 18th and April 4th. Course requests are not guaranteed and April 4th is a hard deadline.

You can view your current course requests in your Academic Plan using the instructions available at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ozL3l8y8HrhQTmsSP9RySAMaQAz_b_3MqOAyrwTnniA/edit#slide=id.g1da1fa8b685_0_6.

The deadline for work-based learning and dual enrollment for the 25/26 school year is May 1st.
Vision Screenings

Vision Screenings for 9th Graders

Vision screening programs in public schools are a means of detecting possible problems with a student’s visual health. School failure and negative life outcomes may result from undetected vision problems. It is estimated that one in four children of school age has a vision or hearing problem that has not been previously detected.

On March 26th, the Department of School Health will be conducting vision screenings for all 9th graders. If your child has a suspected vision problem, we will notify you.

Parents that DO NOT want their child screened must send a letter to the school nurse stating that they do not want their child screened. Please send the “do not screen” letter/email to the school nurse within one week of receiving this notification.
CO 25 Grad Walks

Class of 2025 Graduation Walks

Seniors are invited to walk through the halls of their elementary and middle schools on May 20th. Please click here to complete the required permission form to participate.
Cheer Tryouts

Cheerleading Tryouts

Our Friday night lights will be back on before we know it, so here's information about EHS cheerleading tryouts for the 2025/26 school year! Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

CO 27 Rings

Class of 2027 Class Rings

Sophomores, you can still place a class ring order at www.jostens.com or by visiting the Jostens Office in Martinez. Questions? Please call Jostens at 706-868-0515.
Prom Guidelines

Prom 2025

Information about our 2025 Prom is available here! Tickets are on sale through April 21st.
Saturday Tutoring

Saturday Tutoring

EHS teachers are willing to tutor EHS students on the Saturdays shown so long as students register at https://bit.ly/ehssaturdaytutoring.

Upcoming Events