Counseling Team

Mrs. Michelle Way-Houser
Counselor for Freshmen, Last Names A-M
706-863-1198, ext. 4024
Click here to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Way-Houser
Google Classroom Code: utmvwas

Mr. Stephen Inman
Counselor for Freshmen, Last Names N-Z
706-863-1198, ext. 4029
Click here to schedule an appointment with Mr. Inman
Google Classroom Code: utmvwas

Mr. Drew Hromyak
Counselor for Sophomores
706-863-1198, ext. 4026
Click here to schedule an appointment with Mr. Hromyak
Google Classroom Code: rnk4juk

Mrs. Rochelle Davis
Counselor for Juniors
706-863-1198, ext. 4027
Click here to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Davis
Google Classroom Code: c6ohomg

Dr. Kristian Woodward
Counselor for Seniors, Last Names A-D & 9-12 Student Success
706-863-1198, ext. 4023
Click here to schedule an appointment with Dr. Woodward
Google Classroom Code: vya35w5

Ms. Alisa Rogers
Counselor for Seniors, Last Names E-Z
706-863-1198, ext. 4022
Click here to schedule an appointment with Ms. Rogers
Google Classroom Code: vya35w5

Mrs. Katy Warner
Student Support Counselor
Click here to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Warner if you already have signed consent on file with her.
The EHS Counseling Department empowers students to reach their highest potential focusing on academic, career, social, and emotional success.
EHS Counseling Department
4550 Cox Road
Evans, GA 30809
Phone: 706-863-1198, ext. 4021
Fax: 706-854-5808