outside picture of students walking

US History and AP Economics with Mr. Borders

Below is the Google Classroom page join codes for my classes.  The Google Classroom pages have notes, assignments, study guides, and due dates posted for each unit.
AP Econ Google Classroom Page codes:
     Micro:  axz6ohm
     Macro:  a73jgqr
US History Google Classroom Page code:  h632vmf
For all of the above classes, students will need a three-ring binder (1/2" is good), paper, and something to write with. 
     The grading scale for each AP Econ:
        Assignments:  40%
        Assessments: 60%*
             *Students will be allowed test corrections on summative assessments.  
     The grading scale for US History:
          Assignments:  40%
         Assessments:  50% for Semester 1 and 55% for Semester 2*
         Benchmarks:  10% for Semester 1 and 5% for Semester 2
              *Students will be offered a re-assessment, up to a 90, on all Assessments after completion of