Mrs. Herskowitz Welcome Page
Dear Students and Parents!
Welcome to the 2022 -2023 school year! I am excited to be working with your student this year. During this year, I will be teaching Geometry 383 (A) and Geometry 384 B and Statistical Reasoning . My schedule is listed below. If you email me, I may not return you email until 1 each day. My google classroom codes and remind codes are listed below.
Welcome to the 2022 -2023 school year! I am excited to be working with your student this year. During this year, I will be teaching Geometry 383 (A) and Geometry 384 B and Statistical Reasoning . My schedule is listed below. If you email me, I may not return you email until 1 each day. My google classroom codes and remind codes are listed below.
* I have posted a quick video on the links page- I will discuss the 3 courses that I will teach this year. Looking forward to an exciting year!
Best Wishes,
Bonnie Herskowitz
Remind Codes for Each Class Section text the following codes below to 81010
1st period- Geometry 384 - geohersk22
2nd period- Statistical Reasoning - stather
3rd period- Analytic Geometry 384- geohersk22
4th period- Geometry Gifted 383- herskgeo
5th period- Geometry 384- geohersk22
6th period- Planning
7th period- Geometry Gifted 383- herskgeo
Google Classroom Codes For All Sections
* Will be given through Remind Messages so students do not get confused regarding which code he or she should use. I have found in the past, that students will begin the year using the wrong code.
Mrs. H
Materials for Geometry
1. 3 ring binder with paper
2. Pencils, Pencils, and Pencils
3. Highlighters and coloring pencils
4. Compass, Protractor, and Ruler
5. Calculator TI-30xs * It is highly recommended that each child have their own calculator.
Materials for Statistical Reasoning
1. 3 ring binder with paper
2. Graph Paper for drawing graphs
3. Pencils and Erasers
4. Ruler
5. Flash Drive
6.It is highly recommended that your child purchase their own calculator.