AP CSP, Introduction to Hardware Technology & Cybersecurity

Current student registration codes for 2023-2024 school year:
2023- 2024 Class Schedule
2nd Period - Introduction to Cybersecurity
3rd Period - Advanced Cybersecurity and AP Computer Science Principles
4th Period - Introduction to Business and Technology
5th Period - Introduction to Business and Technology
6th Period - Introduction to Hardware Technology
7th Period - Introduction to Hardware Technology
Parents: If you have not received an e-mail invitation to join your student's Google Classroom, please email Mr. Hahn.
Competition is a cornerstone of our program. Every student in my classes is required to participate in one or more of the competitions throughout the year. Many of the competitions are free to the students and allow them to pit their skills against other students around the nation. Some of the competitions for this year include:
Georgia Cyber Center invitational events
AFCEA CERTS CTF 2022 hosted by Parsons Cyber
2nd Place High School Division - Adam Beard, Zander Conner, Samuel Hobbs, and Hunter Rawlins
Columbia County Workforce Showcase 2022 hosted by Parsons Cyber -
1st Place - Esteban Ballestero, Zander Conner, Samuel Hobbs, and Hunter Rawlins
3rd Place - Adam Beard, Abigail Rhea, Benjamin Smith, and Jake VanEssendelft
AFCEA CERTS CTF 2019 hosted by Parsons Cyber
2nd Place High School Division - Caleb Emery, Noah Clark, Eliana Lopez, and Ryan Gil
National Governors' Association CTF
National Cyber Scholars and Finalists
XVI 2023 - 2024
XV 2022 - 2023
Evans Cyber Knights 1 - 37th place nationally in Platinum Division.
Evans Cyber Knights 4 - 3rd place nationally in Gold Division
Evans Cyber Knights 5 - 7th place nationally in Silver Division
Evans Cyber Knights 1 - Zander Conner, Hannah Kim, Hunter Rawlins, Benjamin Smith, and Velmuel Smith
Evans Cyber Knights 4 - Alexis Bussey, Sam Hobbs, Aysha Hughes, Lavaya Jones, and Meredith Phipps
Evans Cyber Knights 5 - Jeffrey Frazier, Connor Grove, Taj Henschke, Adam Marting, and Mitchell Wilburn
XIV 2021 - 2022
Evans Cyber Knights 1 (lucky number 14-0013) placed 2nd in Georgia and 97th nationally in Platinum Division. Cyber Patriot XIV Platinum Semi Final Round. We also won 1st (Cyber Knights 4) and 3rd (Cyber Knights 3) in the state in Silver Division.
Evans Cyber Knights 1 - Adam Beard, Zander Conner, Hunter Rawlins, Benjamin Smith, and Claire Wilburn
Evans Cyber Knights 4 - Jaysen Lami, Asher Lizama, and Ajmal Popal
Evans Cyber Knights 3 - Alexis Bussey, Trinity Elliott, Abigail Rhea, and Velmuel Smith
XII 2019 - 2020
Congratulations to our Cyber Knights 5 team for placing 1st in the nation during the State Round and 2nd in the nation in the Semi-Final Round beating our over 1,800 teams across the country! (Captain Caleb Emery, Noah Clark, Carson Jennings, Jason Little, Logan Kaminer, and Asher Lizama LeStat)

Congratulations also to our Cyber Knights 1 team which placed 3rd in the State Round!

(Captain Xavier Mitchell, Zach Jones, Abigail Rhea, Bryce Carroll, Will Guy, and Adam Beard.)
Tentative Cyber Patriot Training Schedule 3:00-4:30
Monday - Windows Server
Tuesday - Packet Tracer & Linux
Wednesday - Networking
Thursday - Linux
*Windows OS hardening instruction will occur as needed
Join Future Business Leaders of America. This is the official Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for the Cybersecurity pathway. Active participation in FBLA is required to qualify for certain diploma seals or accolades. Explore the Competitive Events
2020 GIRLS GO CYBERSTART NATIONALS: Congratulations to our Cyber Valkyries in the SANS Institute 2020 Girls Go CyberStart competition April 2020. For the second year in a row we are state finalists! This year we were 2nd in Georgia and 30th overall in the U.S.!
2020 Cyber Valkyries: Eliana Lopez, Claire Wilburn, Avalyn Mullikin, Abigail Rhea

2019 Eliana Lopez $500 scholarship from SANS
2021 Esteban Ballestero $2,500 scholarship from The National Cyber Scholarship Foundation
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