Multicultural Literature
Course Overview
This course focuses on world literature by and about people of diverse ethnic backgrounds. Students will explore themes of linguistic and cultural diversity by comparing, contrasting, analyzing, and critiquing writing styles and universal themes. The students will write expository, analytical, and response essays. A research component is critical. The students will observe, listen critically, and respond appropriately to written and oral communication. Conventions are essential for reading, writing, and speaking and will occur within those contexts rather than in isolation. The students will understand and acquire new vocabulary and use it correctly in reading, writing, and speaking. The Senior Project is also a required element of this course in order to meet the Senior English requirement for graduation
Multicultural Literature Project
Due Dates
Please be careful to submit work in a timely manner, so that it is possible for your teacher to evaluate it prior to the end of the marking period.
Annotated Bib/Outline/Lit Reviews................... September
Final Research Paper .................................... October
In Class Presentations.......................................November
Please pay attention to class announcements regarding additional project announcments
Course Syllabus and Retake Form
Literature Units
Unit 1- Oral History and Native American Literature
Unit 2- Hispanic/Latino Unit
Unit 3- Middle Eastern
Unit 4- Asian Literature
Unit 5- African American/Black Literature
Unit 6- European Literature
Google Classroom Links
4th- Multicultural Literature-
5th- Multicultural Literature-
Remind Codes
Multicultural Literature- kfga264
Grading Policy
Category 1: 60% - Major Assignments, Tests, and Essays
Category 2: 40% - Minor Assignments, Quizzes, and Daily Work
Lesson Plans
Plan are subject to change depending on students' needs, school activities, or assessment results. In the event of an emergency situation, I will use Google Classrooms to distribute and collect assignments. For assignments and activities, please check your Google Classroom. Please contact me for questions at [email protected]
Multicultural Literature Classes