Young Women of Style and Grace
Purpose: The purpose of Young Women of Style and Grace is to establish and ensure self-worth, dignity, class, and elegance through etiquette, goal setting, and achievement.
Motivation Statement: We are respectfully and wonderfully made!
Self-worth over self-degradation…
Leadership and charm over uncouthness…
Integrity and honor over disgrace…
High achievement over mediocrity…
Distinction over generalization…
Criteria for Entry:
Complete an application and letter of intent signed and returned
Have 3 character references completed and returned
Create 3 personal Y.W.S.G goals- must be approved
Have and use a planner/organizer.
Report grades and disciplinary action -copies will be kept on file.
Behavior must be ladylike at all times. Cordiality and respect is expected.
Take responsibility for your actions at all times.
Achievement is a priority -Set personal and academic goals.
Dress up once a week
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